On occasion, homeowners need to cut down a tree in their yard. There could be many reasons for this action, but it is always a sad moment nonetheless. It is a complex action and you should always use a reliable tree service for this type of work. Even more complex is the removal of the stump left behind by the tree. If you find yourself with this dilemma, a professional and certified tree service in Guelph is your best bet. Luckily, Guelph is one of the rare places with true professionals within the city limits! When it comes to removing the tree stumps, many homeowners are reluctant to do it but objectively it is the right choice and the responsible thing to do. Here are some of the reasons why you should remove the stumps in your yard.
It Can Be an Eyesore
This is a bit of a lesser reason, but it is true. Tree stumps look ugly and they reduce the curb appeal of your yard. You will have just an empty patch of grass with a tree stump sticking out of it and that just doesn’t look too well.
Safety Hazard
Having tree stumps in your yard can be a potential safety hazard. If people don’t pay attention to it, the trip over the stump and fall. This is especially true for small children.
They Take Up Space
No matter how big your yard is, a stump is often an inconvenience. There are just so many amazing things you can do with your yard that every single square inch of space is priceless. Having a huge tree stump in the middle of it is just a huge waste of space.
They Attract Insects
Tree stumps if left unattended, create a haven for all kinds of insects. While the tree is rotting away, it attracts all sorts of insects that feed on deadwood and could potentially spread out to other trees and plant life in your yard.
Need a Stump Removed?
Martin’s Tree Service has the experience and equipment to properly remove the stump from your yard so that you can get back to enjoying it. Our Guelph tree service experts have been serving homeowners for nearly a decade and making sure they are satisfied with their yard.
Steve Martin