Archives for April 2019
Hikers and outdoor enthusiasts often wonder what purpose is served by leaving dead trees in the forests or local parks, instead of tree removal. Surely it is okay to give nature a helping hand and remove rotting logs and trees from hiking trails and picnic areas. But conservationists are loath to do so because, while they may not be the most attractive features of the forest, dead trees and logs are essential to the health and ultimate survival of our forests
When you plant a young tree, you can’t wait for it to grow and become a big tree, but that does not mean you should let your young or newly-planted trees grow wild. If you want to have beautiful big trees in your garden, you need to prune, trim and guide them when they are young so that they take on the right shape. If done properly, you won’t need to do a lot of corrective tree pruning when the tree is Growing Grass after Stump Grinding04/25/2019
There are many reasons why you may need to remove a couple of trees from your garden and once the trees are gone and the stump removal is complete, you will then have a yard with a beautiful lawn where you can barbecue in the summer or your kids can play. Or at least that is the idea, but often the reality is that the area where the stump has been removed remains nothing more than an offensive hole filled with wood
The emerald ash borer (EAB) is a nasty little creature that is attacking our ash trees and there seems to be no end in sight. This tenacious little jewelled beetle has mastered the art of survival and even Canada’s harsh weather seems to be no match for it. This means that for now, we have to accept that the emerald ash borer is here to stay but that does not mean we should just give up and stop fighting to rid our | Categories Emerald Ash Borer Archives |