Trees growing in urban environments like those found in Waterloo Region, must be regularly maintained in order to remain healthy and beautiful. It is necessary to conduct trimming and pruning of smaller branches, so that remaining ones have more space to properly develop. Otherwise, the tree could become jammed, with branches potentially breaking off and falling down in unpredictable patterns. That’s why it’s smart to task an expert company like Martin’s Tree Service to prune the trees in your backyard or a public park routinely to prevent decay and remove excessive plant material. |
Pruning is Beneficial for the Tree
It is a common misconception that pruning somehow hurts the tree. It’s quite the opposite – this is a necessary function that supports structural integrity and ensures the tree can assume a sustainable shape. Cutting the branches is a sensitive job that must be undertaken by a person with the appropriate knowledge and skill. Damage from improper cuts can be lasting, so pruning needs to be very selective and precise in order to have a beneficial effect. Cleaning and thinning are pruning procedures most closely related with tree health since removing dead or damaged branches improves access to light and helps to localize the impact of diseases.
Pruning Improves Safety
Branches that become too heavy have a tendency to break off, posing a danger for people and objects underneath. Sometimes, low lying branches can become a nuisance even if they remain firmly attached to a tree. That’s why pruning can contribute to increased safety for people spending time in the vicinity of the tree, as well as buildings adjacent to it. The most common pruning procedure conducted for safety reasons is known as raising and elevating, and it involves removal of the branches that are positioned closest to the ground. In certain situations, lateral pruning makes more sense in order to prevent the tree from growing too close to an object or too far into the street.
Pruning Emphasizes Natural Beauty
The visual aesthetic is one of the primary motives for planting trees in urban settings, as well as one of the most common objectives of pruning. Planned and systematic removal of selected branches can determine in which direction the tree will grow and how will it be shaped, making it possible to achieve nearly ideal form in almost every specimen. It takes a trained professional to perform this task responsibly and with a thorough understanding of the natural branching patterns that need to be maintained. The tree is a living organism and it must be respected, but in skilled hands, it can also be an object of visual admiration and aesthetic perfection. Careful pruning can achieve both at the same time, guaranteeing that the tree will remain amazing for many years to come.
Your Trees Deserve Professional Pruning
While there can be no replacement for the natural habitat, professional care by experienced workers is the next best thing. Martin’s Tree Services is the perfect company to contact if you need pruning services in Kitchener or Cambridge. Well trained and experienced professionals from Martin’s Tree Service know how to perform it with full respect to the needs of the tree as well as the requirements of the client. In order to protect the tree, we never use climbing spikes and we don’t remove branches wider than 5 inches in diameter. When working with mature trees, we make sure to prune only minimal amount of material as those plants won’t react well to removal of larger portions. Whatever your situation demands, we have a smart and eco-friendly solution that will work.