Located in Southern Ontario at the confluence of the Speed and Grand rivers, Cambridge is a wildly interesting city and a must-see for any traveler wanting to experience a modern city that proudly showcases its rich architectural heritage and small town feel. What is today the City of Cambridge is actually the result of three municipalities being incorporated in 1973 with the names of Hespeler, Preston and Galt, along with the settlement of Blair. Each municipality boasts its own distinct historic core and commercial area, adding to the overall charm of exploring the city

What Does Cambridge Offer for Residents and Visitors?
Cambridge today exists as an emerging modern city with a diverse population that numbers more than 125,000. Part of one of the most economically prosperous and fastest growing regions of Ontario, Cambridge is located in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo. A highly prosperous metropolis and one of the best places to live in the province, Cambridge is perfectly positioned only 45 minutes from the provincial capital of Toronto. Boasting a number of attractions to suit all styles, tastes and ages, this is a city that is definitely worth both visiting and living in.
Is Cambridge Just an Urban, Bustling City?
In addition to being a thriving urban environment, Cambridge boasts many green spaces and natural areas where both residents and visitors are able to enjoy a host of outdoor activities and nature. There are more than 365 hectares of parkland scattered throughout the city, with a number of them offering playing fields and picnic areas that you’re able to rent. If you have a wedding coming up, you’re also able to rent Mill Race Park for the occasion. Additionally, there are over 50 kilometres of urban and natural trails throughout the city, 18 kilometres of which travel along the historic Grand and Speed Rivers. Conservation areas are also present in Cambridge and include the Valens Conservation Area, Chilligo Conservation Area, Dumfries Conservation Area, Shade’s Mills Park and a number of others.
The Challenges of Natural Areas Faced by Cambridge Residents
Like most towns that are completely in tune with their natural surroundings, Cambridge also has its share of difficulties in terms of nature. With such a large number of green spaces and parks present throughout the city, it can be a challenge to ensure all the trees, shrubs, lawns and greenery remain their healthiest all year long. There is also the long-standing problem of the Emerald Ash Borer parasite, which is spreading throughout the Waterloo region at an alarming rate. All of these issues often require homeowners and residents to call for the services of expert arborists. If this is your case as well, consider reaching out to Martin’s Tree Services, Inc.
Martin’s Tree Services, Inc. has been in the tree service industry for almost a decade, amassing invaluable firsthand experience when it comes to solving a wide array of tree and greenery problems. It provides competent and reliable services such as pruning, tree removal, stump grinding, planting, cabling, mulching and lot clearing. Additionally, the experts at Martin’s Tree are also able to help protect any ash trees on your property you may suspect are infested by the devastating Emerald Ash Borer parasite. This is done with injections that contain a systemic insecticide called Treeazin, which has been successful in long-term individual tree protection. These are just some of the ways in which Martin’s Tree is able to help you solve your tree problems, so get in touch with the company today and ensure professional and expert help for the trees and green surfaces on your Cambridge property.