Archives for June 2022
Trees are impressive and resilient plants; they add so much beauty and value to your property. As strong as trees are, they are not invincible. The plants can become ill and stressed. Stress can often lead to tree removal in Cambridge. Many people consider stress a human emotion, but all forms of life can experience it. Trees, especially, are vulnerable to environmental stress. Unfortunately, many causes of stress for trees can stem from well-meaning homeowners who do not understand proper Pruning Trees in Waterloo During the Summer06/21/2022
Should you have your trees pruned during the summer? It depends on a lot of different factors. Some trees can benefit from summer pruning, while for others, it can do more harm than good. Pruning services in Waterloo can offer some specific guidance on pruning trees in the summer, but here is some general advice. What Types of Pruning Can You Do in the Summer? The type of pruning that you do makes a difference in when you can How Long Do Trees Take To Grow?06/14/2022
Some of the planet's smallest living beings live for only seconds at a time. As it takes only this long for single-celled organisms to split into multiple cells, this tiny window is enough to guarantee their continued existence. At the complete opposite end of the long-liveness scale are trees. Some individual trees known to science have been alive since the time of the earliest human civilizations. As you search "tree removal services near me," consider how long yours may have 4 Benefits Trees Provide to the Environment06/07/2022
The trees in your yard provide cooling shade to your home in the summer and shield it from cold in the winter. They’re beautiful to look at, and they add value to your home by boosting your curb appeal. Yet perhaps the biggest reason to plant and maintain healthy trees on your property is how much they contribute to improving the environment. To keep your foliage in good condition so it has the greatest impact, work with a trusted tree | Categories Emerald Ash Borer Archives |