Archives for January 2022
Keeping your property neat and clean is essential for decreasing safety hazards and property damages. Maintaining your landscape, parking lots, and walkways are natural services that many people regularly schedule. Tree pruning, however, sometimes gets set aside for tasks that are more eye-level. Rather than wait until an issue arises, learn how to spot the signs that your trees need help sooner than later and find out who to call for professional tree pruning in Kitchener. Assess Damaged Branches When Martin’s Tree Services: Trimming Vs Pruning01/20/2022
In the eyes of a layperson, tree pruning and tree trimming in Waterloo may seem like the same thing, which is why many people use the two terms interchangeably. It is true that both involve cutting away certain parts of the tree, with the end result that it is more beautiful. However, pruning and trimming are performed at different times, for different reasons, and with different tools. Here is an explanation of the differences between the two. Purpose The purpose
By winter, most trees have lost their leaves and gone dormant. When this happens, some homeowners sort of forget about them and don't give them any more thought until spring. However, you could be wasting a great opportunity to have tree services in Waterloo performed. Because the trees have gone dormant during this time of year, it is easier for them to recover from some of the treatments they receive. Performing tree services early in the season also helps them Why DIY Tree Removal Is Dangerous01/14/2022
The decision to remove a tree may be an aesthetic choice, or it may be a necessity due to its declining health. In either case, you should have professional tree removal in Cambridge to take care of it rather than trying to cut down the tree yourself. Rather than saving money with a DIY job, you are more likely to compound the problem and cost yourself even more in the long run. Here are some of the potential dangers | Categories Emerald Ash Borer Archives |