Archives for August 2020
While autumn can be defined in many ways, for many, the true mark of the fall season is the changing of the colour of tree leaves from green to gold, red, and orange. However, some trees, namely evergreens, stay green all year round. To better understand why these trees keep their green appearance, we’ll look at the science behind why leaves change colour and why it doesn’t affect evergreens. We’ll also examine whether these differences mean evergreen trees don’t require as much care as their colour-changing counterparts. Why Do Some
Autumn’s popularity is commonly attributed to the bold, beautiful colours of fall foliage. What was once green has now turned, sometimes shockingly quick, to gold, red, and orange. These colours not only call to mind the onset of the holiday season but also serve as a reminder of what is to come. Winter is often hazardous to our trees. Its freezing temperatures, abrasive winds, and pounding snowfall can turn trees from sturdy, stoic forms of natural beauty to the source of fallen
Ash trees all across Ontario are dying because of the emerald ash borer, but there may be hope for these trees. Since this invasive species first came to North America in 2002, it has been chewing through local ash trees to a devastating effect. Find out how there may still be hope for the local ash trees and how Martin’s Tree Service can help you keep the trees throughout your property safe. Don’t let the emerald ash borer in Why Trees Lose Leaves Prematurely?08/21/2020
Tree leaves generally start falling in early to late October, about a week after colours are the most vibrant. If the trees in your yard are losing leaves in July or August, it could be a sign that there is a problem. In most cases, there is a benign reason behind leaves dropping in the summer. However, it is helpful to be able to recognize the signs of a larger problem and when it is necessary to hire a 5 Reasons Planting Trees is so Beneficial08/17/2020
While trees are beautiful, they do age and get sick, often requiring removal. A tree removal service, while essential, does not mean you can no longer have trees in your yard. Granted, the large oak may have died, but you can plant a sapling in its place. The world needs more trees, especially with growing climate and environmental concerns. Planting new trees is not difficult, and if your yard already had an existing tree, then you know a What Is a White Ash Tree?08/14/2020
There is nothing quite as stunning in fall as the bright flashes of reddish-purple across a landscape awash in a sea of yellowing leaves. You may have wondered what tree adds such brilliance to the fall tapestry. Meet the majestic white ash. Where You Can Find White Ash Trees White ash trees can be found growing in Canada, the central and eastern United States and Mexico. They grow in well-drained soils and are often the first trees to make
Driving through Northern Ontario is beautiful. Towering pine and spruce colour the landscape a brilliant green and scent the air with their fresh, spicy perfume. Or at least that's what it used to be like. Now, you are just as likely to see a landscape of greyish-brown scruff; the ghosts of the verdant trees that grew for up to 1000 years. What happened to the forests in Northern Ontario? It is an invasive species called the spruce budworm. What | Categories Emerald Ash Borer Archives |