In the summertime when the temperature increases, you may devote a lot of attention to keeping your lawn and garden plants watered to prevent them from drying out. However, you may not think about watering the trees on your property or not know how to do it correctly. Trees can benefit from regular watering, just like other plants, but it is important to strike the right balance. Too much water can be as harmful as too little. If you fail to water trees correctly, you could ultimately require tree removal in Kitchener.
How Much Water Do Trees Need?
The amount of water trees need depends on how old and established they are. A mature tree requires less water than a young tree that is still developing its root system, but older trees can still benefit from watering one to two times a month or more often under drought conditions. When you water an established tree, it should receive approximately 10 gallons of water per inch of the trunk’s diameter. There are several ways to determine the diameter, but the easiest method is to hold a ruler or a yardstick up to the trunk at knee height and measure. It doesn’t necessarily have to be exact, but you should observe your tree for signs that it is receiving too much or too little water.
A young tree, on the other hand, requires 75 litres of water per week. Four times a week, fill up a bucket and pour it over the part of the ground covered by the canopy, also known as the drip zone. This will ensure that your tree gets the water it needs to grow roots that are substantial and strong without watering too much.
How Do You Know if Your Tree Is Getting the Right Amount of Water?
There are a couple of different ways to determine if your tree is being watered appropriately. One way is to check the moisture level of the soil around the tree. Use a trowel to dig down to a depth of two inches and check the dirt that you find there. It should be moist but not soggy, and you should water your tree if it is dry to the touch.
Another way to tell whether your tree is receiving too much or too little water is to look at the leaves. If the tree is overwatered, the leaves will be green but prone to easy breaking. On the other hand, if the leaves are wilted, drooping, or brown along the edges, your tree is not getting enough water.
When Should You Water Your Trees?
Try to water during the morning or in the evening. If you water during the afternoon, more evaporation takes place and your tree will not reap the full benefit. You should also water your trees year-round, not just in the summer, as long as the temperature is over 4 degrees celsius and there is no snow on the ground.
How Do You Water Your Trees?
You should strive to give your trees the water that they need without avoidable waste. An ordinary sprinkler can provide the necessary water, but there can also be loss due to evaporation. The Arbor Day Foundation recommends drip irrigation as a method of watering trees that is both efficient and effective because it sends the water deep down to the roots where it will do the most good. However, if this is not an option for you, another method of deep watering is simply to direct a spray from a garden hose directly at the roots of the tree.
Proper watering can help to prolong your tree’s life. However, it does not make them invulnerable and trees may die despite your best efforts. Martin’s can address all your tree service needs, including removal if necessary.
Steve Martin