Trees may seem strong and invulnerable, but the truth is that they are susceptible to many different kinds of damage. A damaged tree may be likely to experience disease and infestation, which can ultimately lead to the tree’s death and make ash tree removal in Kitchener necessary. There are many potential causes of tree damage, but some are more common than others.
1. Severe Weather
Trees are typically pretty sturdy; they have to be to withstand the conditions to which they are subjected throughout the year. Nevertheless, a severe storm can damage them. Summer storms can produce high winds that can test the tensile strength and elasticity of tree limbs and trunks. If pushed past these limits, tree limbs and sometimes even whole trees can come down. Summer storms can also produce lightning that can strike the tree and scorch or burn it. Lightning always strikes the highest point, so if you have trees on your property that are taller than your house, they are particularly vulnerable.
Your trees may not fare much better during the winter. Severe winter storms can occur too and pose many of the same risks as summer storms. In addition, winter storms can bring large amounts of heavy snowfall. If the snow is too heavy for tree limbs to hold up, they may break off and fall down under the pressure.
2. Crushed Roots
The roots of the tree are responsible for supporting and stabilizing it so it stays upright. They also absorb water and nutrients from the soil so that the tree has the nourishment it needs to grow. Tree roots grow mostly underground, where they have the weight of all the soil above them pressing down on them. They have to be very strong to endure that weight but, as with tree branches, there is only so much weight that they can bear.
Therefore, don’t add to the weight on top of the roots of your tree, or you could crush them. For example, if you have to park vehicles such as automobiles, campers, or boats in your yard, find an area that is well away from the trees. Because the roots are primarily underground, you may not realize that they have been damaged until the tree becomes unstable or starts to die because it cannot receive the nutrients it needs, at which point it may be too late to save the tree.
3. Lack of Maintenance
You may think that, because trees can live for decades or even centuries out in the wilderness, they do not need maintenance to survive in your yard. On the other hand, trees in urban settings face challenges that trees in the wild do not. Furthermore, there is a difference between surviving and thriving. To achieve the latter, trees on your property may need your help.
The following are examples of maintenance tasks you should perform regularly to help keep your tree healthy:
It’s not enough to carry out these tasks for your trees; you have to do them correctly. Otherwise, your trees could have too much of a good thing, which could ultimately harm them.
Another maintenance task that could benefit your tree is pruning, i.e., removing excess branches so that they do not put your tree at risk. It is very important to prune your tree at the appropriate time of year and not remove too many branches, or you could inadvertently damage your tree.
Get Help With Tree Care From Martin’s Tree Service
Our experienced arborists can prune your tree correctly and advise you on its health. Even if you take steps to protect and maintain your tree, it may eventually die. In that event, we also perform tree removal services. Contact us today for a quote.
Steve Martin