If you are thinking of planting a tree in your yard, consider choosing one native to your local area. Many people don’t realize the importance of planting native trees in their neighbourhoods, but they can do a lot of good for the environment.
All the trees around your home got their start somewhere, and chances are most of them originated in your home province. There are specific reasons why you should consider adding to these native trees next time you want to plant more. Let’s dig into what you need to know about planting native trees.
Native trees are species that are naturally found in your region and have been growing there for thousands of years. Many people don’t realize that these trees may need some specific care, such as tree pruning or proper watering. No matter what special care they may need, it will be well worth it in the long run!
Advantages of Planting Native Trees
Both animals and humans can benefit from native trees. Many birds, insects, and animals depend on native trees for food and shelter. By planting native trees around your property, the wildlife in your area will be better equipped to survive harsh weather conditions.
During blistering cold or sweltering hot weather, native trees are well-adapt to the local climate, which means they will have the best chance at survival. They often don’t have many pest problems compared to non-native trees, which do not hold up well when insects invade them.
You may be wondering if there are disadvantages to planting native trees. Yes, there are some. They may be hard to find at local nurseries as many prioritize non-native plants, so you may have to visit more specialty garden centers to find what you are looking for.
Don’t be fooled by native trees. Many people believe because they are native, they can plant them and never tend to them. Tree pruning or may be necessary, or you may need to improve soil consistency and drainage. Just because a tree is native, it doesn’t mean it can grow in any type of soil. You may not have the correct soil in your yard for the tree. Or, a native tree that thrives in full sun won’t do well on your property if you have a shady landscape.
Even with these disadvantages, if you plant a tree with the specific species’ needs in mind, such as climate, space, and soil environment, it can thrive and be a healthy tree.
Preserve Biodiversity
When choosing trees to plant, native ones are should be your first choice. If taken care of properly, they can thrive and preserve the biodiversity of Ontario. Native wildlife, especially birds, butterflies, and pollinators, evolved with plants, and many can only feed on plants they co-evolve with.
They are not only easier to grow and cheaper to maintain, but they are also non-invasive. With native trees, it is easy to have a beautiful garden and benefit the ecosystem at the same time.
After planting your native trees, contact Martin’s Tree Service to schedule a free complimentary tree service inspection. Our arborists can help with tree pruning and other services.
Steve Martin