While there is no “one size fits all” formula on when to plant a tree, a few rules can be applied. Our tree services Waterloo experts suggest starting by taking the typical growing season and the type of root systems into consideration of the tree you would like to plant.
The Spring/Autumn Debate
There is often a debate between whether spring or autumn being the best time to plant a tree. Some people believe that fall is the best time to plant a tree. The weather is nice, which means the tree will not burn or freeze. The leaves have enough time before the harsh winter sets in, and it awakens just in time to bloom for spring. This can be a great time to establish roots in a young tree.
Proponents for spring planters argue that planting a tree in the spring allows time to get rooted and start getting nutrients from the soil early in the year. These people often have been waiting to dig their “green thumb” into some gardening all winter long. By planting a tree in the spring, you will be able to enjoy it all summer long.
Planting in the fall can pose a risk for an early frost, which could be detrimental to a young tree. When a tree is freshly planted, it can greatly affect the roots if the ground is hard and has a severe lack of water. Since winter and summer can be too dry to plant trees, this leaves spring as the best window of time that offers both water flow and warm conditions. Spring planting may not fit the mold for every type of tree, but for the majority of trees in Ontario, it may be the best time.
Trees Can Be Delicate
Trees are more delicate than you might think, so knowing the best time to plant a tree is vital for it to thrive and grow into a strong healthy tree. Give your tree enough time to strengthen and for the roots to establish clear channels. If you pant during a stressful growing season, the tree may expend its energy in supporting its roots and end up growing much slower.
Make sure you do your homework on what type of soil is best for the species of tree you have planted and how much sunlight it needs to thrive. Too many people just plant a tree, not realizing that it may require special conditions to grow and then become frustrated when it doesn’t survive. At Martin’s Tree Service, our experts can help with planting and maintenance throughout the year.
Trees That Thrive in Canada
Before deciding when to plant a tree, you first need to decide what type of tree you should purchase. There are a few trees suggested as the best to thrive in the Canadian climate. These include the red maple, American beech, and Canadian hemlock.
Our tree services Waterloo team can answer any planting questions you may have. Contact us today to schedule a visit from one of our experts who can go through our services.
Steve Martin