Spot the Signs of a Dying Tree
Trees die and help nurture the growth of new trees regularly in forests: it’s the circle of life. But in your yard? A dying tree could be a sign of a much bigger problem and has the potential to cause damage to your garden and even to your home. These are some of the things you need to be aware of.
One of the more obvious signs of a struggling tree is its shape. If your tree is leaning a little off-center, then it’s no big deal. But if it’s leaning like the Tower of Pisa, then it could be weak and dying. Anything greater than a 15° angle would be worth getting checked as this means the tree roots aren’t strong enough to support the tree in high winds.
Another easy thing to check is the health of your tree. If there are deep cuts and gashes, then your tree is likely to become diseased. Trees become cracked and cut all the time, but normally they’re able to recover and heal quickly. If that cut has become diseased or infected, then not only will the tree fail to recover but the cracks will expand and get worse. This is also a wonderful opportunity for pests to infest your tree.
You’ll need to keep an eye out for decay and deadwood too. Decay is much more difficult to spot than deadwood. One or two bare branches isn’t a problem, but once that begins to spread throughout the tree it’s usually a sign of waning health. If some branches snap and fall with the slightest force, your tree could be in trouble.
What Condition is Your Tree In?
Get Expert Help
This is why you’re strongly recommended to seek expert tree removal service, and nobody does it better than our highly trained technicians at Martin’s Tree Services. We identify sick, dying and dead trees quickly, using cutting-edge technology and top quality instruments to establish how sick your tree is. If it’s beyond repair, we’ll remove your tree efficiently and safely, making sure the rest of your property isn’t affected.
That being said, sometimes tree removal isn’t absolutely required. If we believe that your tree has the capacity to recover, we’ll diagnose the sickness your tree has and let you know how you can bring it back to full health.
Steve Martin