What Happens to Trees During a Storm?
Particularly dangerous storms can have disastrous consequences for trees. High winds and even lightning can damage trees in several different ways.
The most common injury is broken, hanging branches. These can be among the most dangerous injuries and you need to take care in treating them. However, it’s also possible that you’ll come across a huge, dividing split in branches and even in the tree trunk. If branches – or even the top part of the tree – suffer a break, then you could discover an uneven tree canopy. Significant wind can move the tree so that it’s unbalanced and leaning. Even worse, it can uproot a tree and topple it, causing damage to the surroundings. Trees can suffer all sorts of damage and by knowing the severity of the injury, you’ll know how to inspect it.
What to Do After the Storm
After the storm has passed, you’ll need to inspect your tree with caution. First of all, if possible, inspect the damage from indoors through a window. If a tree has toppled into your property or even on to electrical wires, you might actually require assistance to get out of the property.
Once you leave your home to inspect a damaged tree, stay clear of any damaged wires or hanging tree limbs. Treat the site with caution and expect the worst. You’ll need to make a quick inspection and analysis of the tree. How bad is the damage? Are significant limbs hanging and damaged? Are there large holes, cracks, and missing branches? All of this is important in deciding whether or not the tree can be saved.
Can Damaged Trees Be Saved?
If you’re lucky, the damage to your tree could be very slight. Trees have a remarkable ability to recover, and if there are only slightly broken branches and some rough edges, a tree pruning service can help get the tree back in shape.
Some trees, however, may suffer extensive damage which unfortunately means they cannot be saved. You may still want to pay for some tree pruning to see if it helps, but sadly it might not help. If this is the case, the tree can, in fact, be a hazard and you’ll need to seek professional help to remove it safely. If a tree has a large split and you’re not sure if it can be saved, a tree expert will be able to help.
When you call our experts at Martin’s Tree Services, we’ll be able to inspect and analyze your injured tree efficiently. We’ve seen every type of snap, break, gash and fall that you can think of. We also know which pests will be licking their lips at the sight of your tree’s wounds, so, even if you think your tree looks fine, we’ll know if it needs to be removed. Rather than risking serious injury and damage to your property, call us and our expert technicians will remove it safely and effectively.
Steve Martin