Winters in Canada can be very harsh, and the unpredictable weather can cause a lot of unwanted debris, including dead trees, that may need to be removed before spring begins. Especially if your yard has a lot of old trees and foliage, you may notice that the cold weather is exacerbating an already damaged tree beyond repair and it needs to be removed. Dying trees can spread their unwanted and possibly diseased roots or branches to nearby undergrowth such as plants or even to other healthy trees. There are many benefits to having a decayed tree removed in the winter. If you’re searching for effective tree removal in Kitchener, winter may be the perfect season to clean up your yard.
Simplify Tree Removal in Kitchener
There are several signs that a tree has decayed beyond repair. You may notice bark abnormalities such as deep cracks or holes. Healthy bark should be relatively smooth and continuous. A dead or dying tree will often show signs of decay from the inside out. You may see dead branches that are weak and brittle and leaf discolouration during the fall and spring months. If your tree is showing any of these signs, you will want to consult with a qualified tree removal service.
Winter is an ideal season to have a decayed tree removed because dormant trees that have lost their leaves tend to be easier to remove. If a tree is in full bloom, a tree removal technician, no matter how skilled, will likely have a difficult time removing the tree. In addition, the clean-up process after removal will be more arduous, not only because of the foliage on the branches but also because you may have summer flower gardens nearby that need to be protected from damage. Trees also don’t produce as much sap in the winter, which helps make the job less messy.
Increase Accuracy
Removing or pruning trees and plants during the warmer months can be more difficult because it is harder to tell what needs to be removed. In the winter, the ground is bare, and your tree technician can more easily see and access the roots and other parts of the tree that need to be removed.
Save Money
Many homeowners opt to have decayed trees removed in the summer or spring months because they may already have home construction plans or they think of it when they are out working in their yards in the warm weather. However, because the demand for tree removal drops during the winter months, savings and special promotions are often available.
If you are looking to save money this winter, you may want to consider consulting with a professional tree removal company such as Martin’s Tree Service. We offer comprehensive, end-to-end service, including risk assessment, safe tree extraction, and timely removal of the tree trunk and residual debris.
Protect Your Home
Winter weather in Kitchener can be unpredictable and snowstorms are common. If your yard has a severely decayed tree that needs to be removed, waiting until spring may not be a safe option.
Dead trees often have extremely fragile branches that will easily fall off in strong wind or heavy snow. If the tree is close to your home or another structure on your property, costly damage could occur if a branch falls off and hits your home or vehicle. Thus, it is often a good decision to have dead trees removed in winter before costly damage occurs.
If you’re looking to hire a professional service for tree removal in Kitchener this winter, please contact the specialists at Martin’s Tree Service. The service we offer is always professional, thorough and reasonably priced.
Steve Martin